Dopamine reset, or dopamine fasting, is becoming increasingly popular among people looking to reduce their reliance on technology such as smartphones and social media. When people talk about "detoxing," they mean taking a break from activities that are too stimulating or pleasurable. People do this to help them have more self-control and be happier overall. During this period of abstinence, dopamine levels in the brain decrease, which can lead to improved focus and increased productivity.

Dopamine plays a major role in regulating motivation, reward processing, and decision-making. When dopamine levels are high, humans are more likely to take risks and seek out reward-based activities like gambling or using drugs. Additionally,
when dopamine levels are elevated it can make achieving goals more difficult as well as disrupt sleep patterns. This is why it’s suggested that taking periodic breaks from activities that stimulate too much dopamine can be beneficial for improving focus and productivity over time.
Examples of activities that could potentially be avoided during a period of dopamine reset are: consuming caffeine, using addictive substances (eg., nicotine), watching lots of television or movies, playing video games, participating in competitive sports/activities, engaging in gossip/drama at work or school, scrolling through social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram; etc.
In addition to abstaining from such activities during a period of dopamine resetting, it’s also recommended that people engage in calming practices such as meditation or yoga to further help alleviate stress and reset the brain’s reward system by producing feelings of relaxation instead of stimulation. Engaging in creative activities like drawing/painting/sculpting can also be helpful as these require little external stimulation but still create internal rewards—which aids in raising serotonin levels which helps regulate moods and promote feelings of general contentment and well-being.
Overall evidence suggests that engaging in periodic dopamine resets is beneficial for increasing self-control over cravings associated with exposure to stimulants while providing relief from stressors like anxiety caused by overstimulation of the body’s systems—If ignored, this could have a detrimental and lasting impact on one's mental well-being. Not only can regular dopamine resets reduce impulsive behavior and addiction-like tendencies, but they also promote greater creativity by providing a more focused state; improved sleeping habits have boosted memory while reducing fatigue caused by the overconsumption of artificial stimulants, and increased physical well-being brought about by lower cortisol production leading to a reduced heart rate. As such, these practices allow one full control over their lives instead of letting external influences dictate how they lead it - ultimately resulting in a healthier lifestyle.