The most common question I get these days is "how do I get a better butt?" With it being the most requested, it is likely the most misunderstood and misguided muscle group as well. The glute muscles are responsible for a majority of your hip's movements like extension, abduction and rotation but most people don't care about that at all. They just want their glutes to look good! Even though some of the influencers you see on social media may deny it, genetics do play a role in how easily you can develop your glutes. However more times than not the issue isn't the person's genetics but other issues. Here are 5 secret tips to solve those issues and build a better booty:
TIP #1
Most of the "booty building" programs you see advertised these days are insufficient for more than one reason but the main reason is that they do not include the most effective exercises. These programs fail to include the most dynamic glute building exercises; compound exercises like the barbell squat, the hip thrust, the deadlift, and the lunge. Instead they replace these exercises with glute isolation moves like the donkey kick and the fire hydrant as the foundation. These are not "bad exercises" but they just don't equate the same value as being the foundation when comparing them to the compound lifts. Needless to say not all exercises are created equal and these glute isolation exercises fail to build muscle as fast and as effective as the compound exercises. To build nice round glutes these compound lifts should make up the majority of your workout with glute isolation exercises added for a balanced combination.
TIP #2
A long time ago women were told that lifting heavy weights would build a bulky looking body while lifting light weights for super high reps would build a toned and sculpted body. This was simply a marketing tool and not true AT ALL! Frequently lifting heavy weights builds more muscle and it builds muscle faster. Your muscles are primarily made up of two types of muscle fiber; type 1 (slow twitch) and type 2 (fast twitch). The slow twitch muscle fibers are very good at endurance. They are low force and low speed but they have a large “gas tank.” Think long distance runner. These muscle fiber types adapt to training by becoming more efficient and part of this adaptation means they do their best not to grow and build. Bigger muscle fibers means more calories burned and since low force long duration exercise doesn’t require much strength they tend to not grow that much. This is why when you train with high reps you notice improvements in endurance with very little visible changes.
Nonetheless, fast twitch muscle fibers have an incredible capacity for visible change. That is because these fibers are responsible for high force production and strength….think a sprinter. Due to their role as the fast force producers they adapt to the right training by growing bigger. Train with relatively heavy weights (force) and you will see visible changes a lot faster and because these fibers grow they also help your body to burn more calories. Train with heavy weight and you get a fuller and rounder butt along with an accelerated metabolism. In order for your muscles to grow you have to put your body in the appropriate situation to adapt. Train with heavy weight (subjective) and stay within the 6-15controlled reps range. For beginners start with the higher rep range (12-15) to get more practice on proper form then as you progress work on lifting heavier weights with lower rep ranges (1-6).

TIP #3
There are so many different ideas of what's the "sweet spot" when it comes to how frequently we should train a muscle group. The truth is that it depends on what the intent is, whether you're training for endurance, performance, muscle growth, etc. However when looking to build the glutes you want to make sure you have a good balance of work and recovery to promote muscle growth.When you train a muscle with sufficient intensity you create a small amount of damage. The body overcompensates with intent to repair the damageand subsequently adapts so that next time the same movements with the same weight and intensity produces less damage. The problem is that we often confuse adaptation and recovery and these are two different things. Yes damage causes adaptation to take place but the adaptation process is ever going and studies will show that after about 48-72 hours without more training the body adapts by stopping the muscle building process and even starts to counter it. Studies show the muscle building signal as measured through protein synthesis peaks at 48 hours but then declines immediately after.
TIP #4
One of the most frustrating situations to see is when you have done seemingly everything the right way and you have still failed to grow your glutes. You may ask how is this possible if you did the most effective exercises, maintaining great frequency and also lifting heavy? Instead of building the glutes you ended up building your quads and hamstrings. Some will say that it's due to genetics but before assuming that you may want to address improving your muscle recruitment patterns and form doing the exercise. If your glutes aren't activated and participating throughout the movement then the other surrounding muscles will assert themselves to complete the movement. However the lack of activation throughout the movement typically results in poor muscle contraction which is essential to the muscle building adaptation. One way to improve muscle recruitment is to wake up the glute muscles with some glute isolation exercises. This gets the central nervous system to change how it engages so that more of an emphasis can be placed on the glute muscles. Taking about 5-10 minutes to use these glute isolation exercises (donkey kicks, fire hydrants, etc. ) to warmup and this will enhance the efficiency of your workout and you'll see visible changes faster.
TIP #5
One of the most important things to remember when dealing with any transformation is to mind your business and to trust the process. When I say mind your business I am encouraging you to focus on your own journey. With social media becoming the center of most of our lives it is tempting your discipline everyday. As soon as you look at your screen you are tempted by instant gratification and self comparisons. The less you feed into that the easier this transformation will be for you. Learn to trust the process and do not fall for the quick fixes because ironically those "quick fix" solutions can make your transformation process even longer. Whether your journey to build better glutes is also directly connected to you losing fat, building mass, or just body recomposition, discipline will be required. Having the discipline to feed your body accordingly and strength train consistently puts you in a great position to succeed.
If you follow the advice listed in this article the vast majority of you will have no problem with building the best booty of your life. In fact, in my years of training people I have yet to meet anyone who truly haas a butt that won't respond to training.